Now a days, most employers are requiring individuals applying for jobs to have their fingerprints taken using Live Scan and submitted to the Department of Justice for identity verification. This new Live Scan technology allows us to replace the old manual ink method. With the electronic transfer of fingerprints it only takes seconds to transmit, instead of the days sending it with conventional US mail. The Department of Justice should receive your fingerprint submissions anywhere from a few hours up to 72 hours.

You will need to bring your "Request For Live Scan Service" application, also known as a BCII 8016 form. You will need to complete numbers 1-6 on the top half of this application which must be correctly filled out and completed (Click Here To See Example and Numbers on the Application Form).

ACE Fingerprinting, LLC CANNOT assist you on filling out the form. The applicant must also provide picture identification to us, such as: United States issued driver’s license/identification or passport.

Forms are given to the applicant by the agency sending the applicant in for the Live Scan. ACE Fingerprinting, LLC cannot provide you with the forms.

If you do not have a Live Scan form please contact your employer, company, organization or requesting agency for this application form. Make sure when you get this form that you are also given the proper information listed below, in order to be ready for Live Scan:

  • ORI Code

  • Type of Application

  • Job Title or Type of License, Certification or Permit

  • Agency Address Set Contributing Agency

  • Mail Code

  • Billing Number (Only if they are paying for your background check)

  • OCA (Your Number) If applicable.